Military ===>
If the Veteran was discharged more than 62 years ago, you can order a copy of their military records. The National Archives opens all records to the public 62 years after discharge.Learn how to access archived records
If the Veteran was discharged less than 62 years ago, you may be able to request limited information from their Military Personnel File.Find out about general public access to military records
Notice: Ordering military service records online at is temporarily unavailable. We hope to have the problem resolved shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR) is the repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century. (Records prior to WWI are in Washington, DC.) NPRC (MPR) also stores medical treatment records of retirees from all services, as well as records for dependent and other persons treated at naval medical facilities. Information from the records is made available upon written request (with signature and date) to the extent allowed by law.
If you are a veteran or next-of-kin of a deceased veteran, you may now use to order a copy of your military records. For all others, your request is best made using a Standard Form 180. It includes complete instructions for preparing and submitting requests. Please Note: All requests must be in writing, signed and mailed to us at the address shown below.
Allow about 10 days for us to receive and initiate processing your request, then you may check the status of your request by using the Online Status Update Request form. Please Note: These forms are ONLY for status updates for EXISTING requests from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). Visit the Request Military Service Records page to start a new request for military service records; online, by mail, or by fax.
Recent military service and medical records are not online. However, most veterans and their next of kin can obtain free copies of their DD Form 214 (Report of Separation) and the following military service records any of the ways listed below.
There is a fee for records that are considered "Archival," which depends on the discharge date. If the request is made 62 years after the service member's separation from the military, the records are now open to the public and subject to the public fee schedule (44 USC 2116c and 44 USC 2307). This is a rolling date, the current year minus 62 years. Learn more.
Records are accessioned into the National Archives, and become archival, 62 years after the service member's separation from the military. This is a rolling date, the current year minus 62 years. See more information on records older than 62 years. Archival records are open to the public and can be ordered online for a copying fee. See Access to Military Records by the General Public for more details.
For additional details on what information may or may not be included, please see the Special Notice to Veterans and Family Members regarding requests for copies of military personnel and/or medical files.
Special Note on Contacting by Email: Requests for military personnel records or information from them cannot be accepted by email at this time. The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and Department of Defense directives require a written request, signed and dated, to access information from military personnel records. Our email address should only be used only to request general information (hours of operations, procedures and forms) or to submit compliments, complaints, or concerns.
The availability of data varies considerably by country, but for a majority of countries that were independent at the time, data is available from at least the late 1950s. Estimates for regional military expenditure have been extended backwards depending on availability of data for countries in the region, but no estimates for total world military expenditure are available before 1988 due to the lack of data for the Soviet Union.
The 40-mile Military Ridge State Trail, in Iowa and Dane counties, connects Dodgeville and Madison by way of an 1855 military route between Verona and Dodgeville. The trail runs along the southern borders of Governor Dodge and Blue Mound state parks passing by agricultural lands, woods, wetlands and prairies.
On March 6-7, 2023, 58 education professionals representing 18 schools within Madison County, Madison City, and Huntsville City school districts participated in a two-day summit supporting the needs of military-connected students and families.
Sometimes members of the military or overseas citizens need their ballot before printed absentee ballots are ready. When this happens, Election Officials provide voters with write-in absentee ballots.
Members of the military and overseas citizens may use the FWAB to vote for all federal, state and local offices. Your county election office must post a notice on its website with information about the offices and questions on the official ballot for the next election. This must be on the website at least 90 days before the election.
Members of the military and overseas citizens can use the FWAB to both apply for an official absentee ballot and to vote. You may do both at the same time. Your FWAB counts even if your completed official absentee ballot is not received by the seventh day after Election Day.
Join us as we explore the results of the 13th annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey. After hearing from over 9,300 military and Veteran-connected family members, we are here to share your stories and explore the findings live.
Join us as we explore the results of the 13th annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey. After hearing from over 9,300 military and Veteran-connected family members, we are here to share your stories and explore the findings live.
Founded in 2009 by military spouses with you in mind, we empower military families to thrive by connecting them with their civilian neighbors - both people and organizations - to create strong communities of support.
TSA verifies the status of individuals identifying themselves as a wounded warrior through the appropriate military branch. Following verification, the travel information is provided to the departing/arriving U.S. airports where wounded warriors may experience expedited screening procedures.
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 2 by former Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, all licenses and registrations for New York State military personnel returning from active military duty relating to the war on terrorism and military action in Iraq will automatically be extended. The following information will help minimize any potential inconvenience upon their return.
NY State law automatically extends license privileges throughout active military service for up to 6 months after discharge or separation. Discharged or separated military personnel may renew an expired NY State license up to two years after the extended expiration. No more than 30 months may have passed since discharge (6-month extension plus 24 -month grace period).
A discharged serviceman must show a Certificate of Discharge, DD-214. You must have been discharged within the past 30 months. If the NY State license was valid at any time during your military service, your license can be renewed.
Registrations are extended for up to 60 days from return to New York State. This extension applies only to vehicles registered to military personnel. You must show proof of military service or separation. Liability insurance coverage must be maintained at all times, including the period of extension.
You are required to maintain continuous coverage or surrender your plates before deployed. If you were unable to do so, DMV has a procedure in place to exempt you from administrative actions upon your return. You must provide a notarized statement that the vehicle was not used during the time in question, a copy of your military ID, proof of current insurance (or surrender of plates), and signed and dated copies of deployment and return papers, or DD-214 (if separated from service). You can present these documents at a DMV office, or mail them to:
Veterans with a total or permanently total disability rating and an honorable discharge from the military are entitled to one Disabled Veteran plate for use on a private passenger vehicle. Spouses aren't eligible.
Residents who are immediate family members of military personnel who lost their lives in combat. Immediate family includes the deceased veteran's spouse, father, stepfather, mother, stepmother, foster parent, brother (including half brother), sister (including half sister), child, and stepchild.
We have grouped information, forms and links together based on what your needs are, for example, requirements for new residents, the process for transferring your vehicle, determining inspection requirements, applying for military plates, etc.
We understand being in the military creates special situations when being relocated from one state to another, or from one country to another. Hopefully the tips and guidance we have gathered for you will help to eliminate some of your stress, or even make your relocation a breeze when it comes to your vehicle.
If you order new military plates with a new design or an ISA to replace your existing military plates, a new plate number will be assigned. Disabled Veteran plate numbers will not change if an emblem or an ISA is added. When you receive your new plates, please surrender the old ones to your county tax assessor-collector so they may be destroyed or recycled.
Military Benefits for Military Service Members, Veterans, and Spouses are extended to those applying for a new license or currently licensed as a motor vehicle or salvage dealer, converter, manufacturer, distributor, in-transit operator, lessor, or lease-facilitator. If you are current or former military, or a military spouse, you may qualify for a waiver or reduction in fees, expedited processing, or a waiver of requirements. The table below outlines the qualifications necessary to receive these benefits. For more information about dealer licensing, please visit our Dealers page. 781b155fdc